
Our Mission:

Transform Lives.

Heart for Orphans provides loving, nurturing, Christ-centered transition homes and programs for orphaned children in Ukraine, Belarus, Kenya, and Romania. Our goal is to transform the lives of kids that have been abandoned and are traumatized by their past. We provide mentorship and a safe place where they can heal, come to know the Lord, and begin to change from the inside out.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, defend the rights of the poor, needy and the orphaned.
— Proverbs 31:8

The Problem

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All over the world, millions of children are living in orphanages and sadly, less than one percent will ever be adopted. In most of the areas where we work, teens age out of an orphanage at age 16. Unbelievably, with few possessions, they are turned out onto the streets to fend for themselves.

Within two years of leaving the orphanage in Ukraine, it is estimated that:

27% will find work
30% will become addicted to drugs
60% of the girls will turn to prostitution
70% of the boys will turn to crime
15% will commit suicide


At Heart for Orphans, we see the hopelessness of orphaned children and hear the cries of their hearts. As compassionate people, we are compelled to use the tools and resources God has entrusted us with to serve these children and help to direct them to a new path that will change their lives and communities. While we do not coordinate adoptions, we provide orphans with the support they need to go out and live successfully—right where they are!

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What We Do

Heart for Orphans offers orphaned teens in Ukraine, Belarus, Kenya, Romania and Slovakia a chance to live in a healthy family environment. In our Christ-centered Transition Homes, we teach our teens through love how to live with respect and dignity while teaching life skills. Teens learn to treat others with kindness and compassion, and to live together as part of a loving family. We also have an Orphanage Outreach Program, a Teen Outreach Program, and a Foster Support Program.

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Heart for Orphans ministers to orphans in Ukraine, Belarus and Kenya

Heart for Orphans ministers to orphans in Ukraine, Belarus, Romania and Kenya

Where We Work

We minister to the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of orphans in areas of the world where there are very little resources. Through the operation of small, family-style Transition Homes, Teen Outreach, Orphanage Outreach, and Foster Support, we provide hope for these forgotten children and youth. We offer them a better future when they could otherwise be facing a life of crime, prostitution/sex trafficking or addiction.

*In response to the war, our Ukrainian families have been evacuated to safer cities closer to the border of Ukraine and Romania. In the hopes of returning one day, we maintain our four homes in Ukraine.

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Our Impact

Through the ministry of Heart for Orphans, teens are meeting Christ, beginning to heal from their traumatic past, and in turn impacting other orphans. The results are exponential! With your help, we can reach more kids.



Years Serving Orphans

Since 2003, we have impacted the lives of thousands of orphaned kids! We opened our first Transition Home in 2007. Within the next several years, we opened more homes in other parts of Ukraine. Our ministry has expanded to include a Teen Outreach Program, an Orphanage Outreach Program, and a Foster Support Program.


Thousand Orphaned Teens and Children Impacted

By providing loving, nurturing, Christ-centered homes and programs for orphaned children, lives have been transformed. It’s rewarding to see kids who are now grown up and successful. Some are married with young families of their own. Others are continuing their education, or starting their own business. We even have some who are working in orphan ministry in Ukraine and in other countries!


Million Dollars Raised

Through monthly sponsorships, one-time donations, and event fundraisers, we have raised over $5.5 million dollars to aid orphaned teens and children in Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Kenya and beyond.

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God sets the lonely in families.
— Psalm 68:6

We Need Your Support

We don’t see orphaned children as statistics, but as real flesh and blood. In their young lives they have been rejected, abandoned, orphaned and in many cases physically and mentally abused. It is our job to advocate and champion for these kids and provide them with not only help for today, but to give them hope for their future.

Will you join us to CHAMPION these amazing children/teens? There are several ways you can support us financially, including monthly sponsorships, planned and legacy donations, and one-time donations.

If you have questions about any of our programs or would like to learn how you can get involved in our ministry, contact us today!

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